Tuesday 13 November 2012

Some Surprising Results + Announcing my Holiday Countdown

This is a recent progress/ update picture (taken last week before seeing my fam in Montreal where I've done a little bit of damage) lol. 

Oh nooooo! So much time gone by and I’ve achieved relatively little after stating to such fanfare. This is a little bit embarrassing but I did not in fact end up going full steam ahead with the plan in October and the beginning of November.  You know… like I said I would… On a very public blog! Eeep!

Despite the best of intentions I ended up travelling for work a few times, attended a few conferences, lots of delicious but decidedly fattening holidays and I also went to see my family in Montreal for my my birthday (though not ON my birthday because I was working).   I don’t know if you have heard but we French love our food and wine.  Holidays, travelling and conferences involve a lot of eating and drinking and little to no exercise.  I’m sure this is not news…

I’m ashamed to say that in the past five weeks I have not logged nearly as many workouts as I should have.  But, I suppose I can’t only write about successes.  I’ve also made some pretty poor choices diet-wise.   To be honest I would have expected to gain weight – my diet has been far from ideal. 

Given all off this, I’m actually pretty happy to say that not only have I not gained weight – I actually still managed to loose some.  Six more pounds to be exact… For a grand total of 15 pounds lost so far.  Now trust me – I’m VERY happy for the weight loss but I’m not happy with myself for not making the most of this and performing the best I know I can.  I actually don’t FEEL like I should have even lost 15 pounds to be honest, I’m very surprised!  I can only guess that even a little bit of high intensity exercise makes a difference. The Group Training Sessions I am doing are intense.  Kind of like a boot camp workout… The only other explanation I can come up with is that I have made a very concrete commitment for which I am now accountable.   Although I might not realize it, the fact that I am being held accountable means that on the whole, I must be making better choices.   Being accountable to someone or something is a tremendous motivator.  I know that when if I miss weeks at the gym or completely go off the map, I am going to hear from the ladies at Christine’s. 

I suppose that Rome wasn’t built in a day and I can’t expect to turn my health habits around completely and permanently in a matter of months… But I also know that if I log four workouts at Christine’s group training classes every week and stick EXACTLY to the diet she has given me, I can go from good to AMAZING. 

Christine recently posted a short little film about goals and how they are achieved via her Facebook page (please go “Like” it if you have not already): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Christines-Fitness-Personal-Training/136315921665?ref=hl]

Here is Christine's Fitness official website: http://www.christinesfitness.com/

Some of the rules listed in the film really made sense to me, here is a little sample:

Rule #1 – Be decisive: you define yourself by the decisions you make (the direction of you life changes the minute you decide which goals you want to pursue)
Rule #2 – Stay focused: the moment you focus on a goal, it becomes a magnet, pulling you and your resources towards it).
Rule #3 – Write Down Your Goals: be specific and measurable and have a deadline (Written goals are catalysts, transforming agents for success and achievement.)
Rule #4 – Planning: allows you to carefully orchestrate all the steps on the way to achieving a goal.
Rule #5 – Involve Others: surround yourself with good people who possess solid experiences.
Rule #6 – Welcome failure: failure has an ulterior motive, it stops you long enough to learn, re-strategize, and re-launch again so that you will be more prepared for success. 

Announcing my Holiday Countdown!

I think that rules # 1 and #2 (being decisive and staying focused) might explain why I have had some success even though I feel like I haven’t succeeded in being as devoted to fitness and weight loss as I could have been.  Rule # 3 (write down your goals) might be where I went wrong… I was not being SPECIFIC.   Bearing all of this in mind – I thought I might give it a go. 

The Christmas season that lies ahead if FULL of dieting pitfalls.  There are multiple family visits (and if you come from a reconstituted family there can be MANY MANY MANY). There are the many holiday parties you will have to attend at friends’ houses, client parties, office parties… The list goes on.

I know I probably sound like the Grinch... Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE seeing family and friends.  I just find that Christmas is time-consuming, expensive and fattening and I know that getting sidetracked during the Christmas season would make me pretty unhappy.  So, I instead of putting on weight during the Christmas season – I am going to aim to loose weight – setting a very specific goal. 

Today is November 13th 2012.  By Tuesday January 15th 2013 – in exactly 8 weeks -   I would like to have lost another 25 pounds (for a total of 40 which was pretty much my goal).   Ok in bullet point form now….

Countdown Stats:

·      8 weeks (56 days) to loose 25 pounds
·      Exercise goals: Attend a minimum of 4 No BS Group training sessions at Christine’s (I’m going to set the following parameters: I can attend 3 sessions if I am exceptionally busy one week but I must attend 5 sessions the following week to make it up.  I have to exempt one or two weeks at the end of December where I might be travelling and will have to find a way to TRY and exercise regardless).

So there we are.  No Pressure! Hahahaha.  I’ll keep you guys posted.   PS: I have come up with a few tips and tricks that make things a little bit easier (nutrition tips).  I have to post about them but I've been told to keep my posts a little shorter so they will be coming up.